What's On?!

Discover the events in the Minett Region. Due to its rich cultural history and its many, diverse communities, there's always something new to experience - a festival, a concert, high class theater and art installations...

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210 resultaten
"QT.bot", Lucas LaRochelle
"QT.bot", Lucas LaRochelle
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Exposition by Damien Giudice - Ratelach
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D'So vum Marxeweier
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Traces of Time
Kay Walkowiak
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Live Music Performance 🎸
Live Music Performance 🎸
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Ausstellung Astrid Koemptgen
Ausstellung Astrid Koemptgen
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Art Workshop for the wellbeing of our planet and its people
Art Workshop for the wellbeing of our planet and its people
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BESA Kids Club
BESA Kids Club
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Duo G’M
Ines Martinez & Ange Gilles
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Soirée jeux de société
en partenariat avec Ludoland
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Cours de danse
animé par Sergio Mel
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The events presented on this page are taken from the data base ECHO. To have your events presented, please submit them here.

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