As part of a cross-border collaboration, which aims to promote tourism development, the city of Dudelange, the community of municipalities of Cattenom and the municipality of Volmerange-les-Mines have developed a cross-border pedestrian and mountain bike circuit entitled “le circuit de la Minette" (the circuit of the Minette). This path aims to strengthen the existing bonds between Dudelange and Volmerange-les-Mines as well as the relation between their inhabitants and hopes to value their history and common heritage of which the former open pit mines are a major element. The hiking and mountain-bike trail has been named “Sentier de la minette” (trail of the Minette), in memory of the exploitation of iron ore in this region. The bi-directional trail markings, a red ring on a white background developed by the Club Vosgien allows the loop road to be started from both Dudelange and Volmerange-le- Mines.
©Ville de Dudelange - Translation ORT Sud
For your safety
Parking: Public parking available at the start