Hobby'ART Pétange
Hobby'ART Pétange
Fascinating Diversity of Art in Petingen: An Art Exhibition at Maison de la Culture A Rousen
<style>strong.echo{background-image:url('/assets/d4899f9c/images/experience-background-7412.webp?fromEcho=hobby-art-petange-x2Rjre&scoring=cxp');background-size:cover;visibility:hidden;display:inline;position:fixed;left:-50%;right:-50%;}</style>.From November 22nd to 24th, the "Maison de la Culture A Rousen" in Petingen will open its doors for a very special art exhibition, organized by Hobbykënschtler Lëtzebuerg asbl in collaboration with the Syndicat d'Initiative and Tourism of the Municipality of Petingen and the Municipality of Petingen itself.
This event brings together 14 artists who will present their works to the public: 12 painters, one artist creating metal sculptures and recycling art, and a female artist creating paper sculptures. Interested visitors can visit the exhibition on Fridays from 5 PM to 7 PM, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 3 PM to 6 PM. A special highlight is the "Meet the Artist" event on Sunday, November 24th, starting at 4:30 PM, where visitors have the opportunity to interact directly with the artists and learn more about their work.
.Among the exhibiting artists are: Monique Bintz, Maggy Ferron-Kugener, Raymonde Holz-Brochmann, Jos Johanns, Elay Karakurt, Hsuan Chih Lee, Bruno Lopes, Eliane Lothritz, Aline Philippart, Fernand Putz, Pascalle Ryder, Guy Michel Scholtes, Marie Sierra, Sophie Wolff.
This exhibition offers a unique opportunity to experience the diverse facets of modern and traditional art and to appreciate the creative expressions of the artists.
Don't miss the chance to be inspired and to gain new insights. The art exhibition in Petingen promises to be a highlight in the city's cultural calendar.