...Unexpected sites in an unsuspected area...
The region in the south of Luxembourg has been strongly marked by the industrial culture but has managed to give itself a new identity over time, where the industrial past and new technologies melt into a unique mixture. Hip and modern cities offer a large variety of places to visit and explore: rock festivals and arts exhibitions, traditional restaurants in former industrial sites and star cuisine, nature reserves and spectacular rides on mining trains and much more.
De Minett, as Luxembourgers refer to the region in the south of Luxembourg, derives its name from the glowing red iron ore that dominates the natural landscape. The ferrous ore made a substantial contribution to the Grand Duchy’s economic development and rapid rise in prosperity during the mid-19th century. Following the steel crisis in the 1970s, Luxembourg underwent a successful structural change and embarked upon a new economic course. Fortunately, however, numerous remnants from the bygone steel era remained intact and an area holding fascinating attractions for visitors developed. Nature started to recover and reclaim some of what was forcefully taken.
The entire region is labeled as a UNESCO biosphere; for good reason, as it has become young and dynamic, multicultural and colorful – quite simply a region of contrasts!